
Benetour è un Tour Operator specializzato in viaggi di gruppo in Italia e in tutta Europa con particolare specializzazione su Francia, Svizzera e Germania. Viaggi culturali, enogastronomici, crociere fluviali, "vacanze attive" come trekking, rafting, house boat. Treni panoramici come Bernina, Pilatus o Jungfrau, spettacolari funivie come lo Sky Way Monte Bianco...
Per i tuoi gruppi adulti, studenti o terza età, Benetour è il tuo giusto partner!


Monday - Friday 09:00-12:30 / 14:30-18:00PM
Saturday - Sunday CHIUSO

+39 0165 261126

Lun - Ven 9:00-12:30 / 14:30-18.00 Sabato/Domenica chiuso

Our "excellences" within just two days • Benetour
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Our “excellences” within just two days

Aosta Valley Italy Italy
Benetour / Tours & Experiences / Italy / Our “excellences” within just two days

Our “excellences” within just two days

per person
Aosta Valley
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Italy – Aosta Valley
2 days / 1 night

Short trip to the Aosta Valley, discovering this land on the slopes of Mont Blanc. An opportunity to discover Aosta, the majestic Forte di Bard, the Fénis castle, with typically medieval architecture, Courmayeur the “Queen of the Alps” and the Sky Way Mont Blanc, to let you “touch”, at almost 3500 m, the sky with a finger.



  • Type: Tours & Esperiences
  • Duration: 2 days /1 night
  • Destination: Aosta Valley – Italy


  • Aosta, the Roman and medieval city
  • the majestic Forte di Bard
  • Courmayeur the “Queen of the Alps”
  • Skyway Mont Blanc cable car “the eighth wonder of the world”
  •  the medieval castle of Fénis
  •  typical dishes lunch

Offer for individuals, families, small and big groups, tailor-made program according to specific needs

Day 1 – Arrival/Bard/Fénis
Day 2 – Aosta/Courmayeur / Departure

Contact datails: –  – Tel. +39(0)165 368914 – Mobile +39 351 636 4121

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