
Benetour è un Tour Operator specializzato in viaggi di gruppo in Italia e in tutta Europa con particolare specializzazione su Francia, Svizzera e Germania. Viaggi culturali, enogastronomici, crociere fluviali, "vacanze attive" come trekking, rafting, house boat. Treni panoramici come Bernina, Pilatus o Jungfrau, spettacolari funivie come lo Sky Way Monte Bianco...
Per i tuoi gruppi adulti, studenti o terza età, Benetour è il tuo giusto partner!


Monday - Friday 09:00-12:30 / 14:30-18:00PM
Saturday - Sunday CHIUSO
About Us • Benetour
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About Us

Benetour / About Us

A little about us …

Benetour is a Tour Operator, born in 2003, based in the Aosta Valley, on the “slopes” of Mont Blanc. Small size, limited number of destinations, specializing in group travel, have always been our strategic choices.

Obviously we have a lot of passion for this job, a consolidated professionalism, but above all fairness, transparency, reliability and respect for people

These ingredients have allowed us to carve out our “niche”

A bit of history

In the early years, we dedicated ourselves to a 360 ° holiday in the Aosta Valley: snow, active holidays, summer mountains, group tours. We published catalogues and “supplied” products to major Italian tour operators.

Over time we have added two niche programs such as “Switzerland by train” as part of our vocation for Active Holidays, forging a partnership with the Swiss Travel system and the Swiss Tourism Authority, “Houseboat travel”.

These gained us particular technical knowledge and skills.

What we do

Group trips
always our flagship. A wide programming, for large and small groups, is the starting point to design your trip according to your specific needs

Type: trips for pre-established groups
Theme: Standard, food and wine and cultural tours, Panoramic trains, Events, Active holidays
Destinations: Italy, Switzerland, France, Germany

Outdoor holidays
Offers in the name of emotions and in contact with nature. Offers designed by qualified personnel to make it a really enjoyable holiday and fun for everyone

Type: trips for mini-groups and big groups
Theme: trekking, rafting, mountain biking, e-bikes, snwshoeing, Ski mountainneering …
Destinations: Aosta Valley (Italy)

Our Team


Pier Paolo Beneforti

Italian market groups - Travel designer
Tel. 0165 26 11 26
Cell. +39 329 81 67 280
+39 393 95 70 516


Felicity Roulet

Foregn market groups - Travel designer
Tel +39 (0)165 368914
Cell. +39 351 636 4121


Stefano Tranelli

Trekking - Travel designer
Tel. +39 0165 26 11 26


Lorella Trabaldo

Tel. +39 0165 26 11 26


Roberto Giunta

Trekking - Travel designer
Tel. +39 0165 26 11 26


Claudia Paz

Responsable Ventas Europa e Hispanoamerica
Tel. +39 3515030802