
Benetour è un Tour Operator specializzato in viaggi di gruppo in Italia e in tutta Europa con particolare specializzazione su Francia, Svizzera e Germania. Viaggi culturali, enogastronomici, crociere fluviali, "vacanze attive" come trekking, rafting, house boat. Treni panoramici come Bernina, Pilatus o Jungfrau, spettacolari funivie come lo Sky Way Monte Bianco...
Per i tuoi gruppi adulti, studenti o terza età, Benetour è il tuo giusto partner!


Monday - Friday 09:00-12:30 / 14:30-18:00PM
Saturday - Sunday CHIUSO

+39 0165 261126

Lun - Ven 9:00-12:30 / 14:30-18.00 Sabato/Domenica chiuso

Why Benetour • Benetour
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Benetour / Why Benetour

Why Benetour


have you seen a trip of your interest?

just send us an e-mail and we will quickly give you our best suggestion.

To allow us to work in the best possible way, you will need to indicate the number of people, the age of any children, the period of time and the holiday of your interest. –


of the destinations we suggest and the suggested activities. Essential aspects to better organize the holiday for it to be a real travel experience.


we do our best to select the services we offer you, quality of the hotels, good tourist and excursion guides, excellent restaurants.Selection of itineraries and activities to make your holiday, when you return home, a beautiful memory.


before and during your holiday, we guarantee assistance to meet your requests, as far as possible, such as booking an excursion, and any unforseeable inconveniences which may occur despite our commitment. All you have to do i call the number we will give you with your travel documents

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