
Benetour è un Tour Operator specializzato in viaggi di gruppo in Italia e in tutta Europa con particolare specializzazione su Francia, Svizzera e Germania. Viaggi culturali, enogastronomici, crociere fluviali, "vacanze attive" come trekking, rafting, house boat. Treni panoramici come Bernina, Pilatus o Jungfrau, spettacolari funivie come lo Sky Way Monte Bianco...
Per i tuoi gruppi adulti, studenti o terza età, Benetour è il tuo giusto partner!


Monday - Friday 09:00-12:30 / 14:30-18:00PM
Saturday - Sunday CHIUSO

+39 0165 261126

Lun - Ven 9:00-12:30 / 14:30-18.00 Sabato/Domenica chiuso

Tailor Made • Benetour
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Tailor Made

Groups & Mice
Italy France Switzerland

Are you thinking of organizing a group trip?

Whether you are a tour operator, travel agency, association, school or company

Trust us, travelling holidays and group events always being our expertise

We put to your service the knowledge of the destinations we offer, the attention in the selection of services, the competence in the products sold, the experience gained over the years, the assistance during your trip

Type of trip: Classic Tours, Active Holidays, Food and Wine Tours. Scenic Trains, Events

Favourite destinations: Italy, Switzerland, France

Making your dream come true is easy

Send us a request indicating one of our suggestions or simply the destination and your travelling ideas, it’ll be our pleasure to show you suggestions in order to meet your requests

Travelling suggestions
Some itineraries are in this site, they want to be simple “ideas” to organize your next trip. All the indicated suggestions can be modified as per length and type to best meet your needs.

For any requests, please contact our group office at the following email address: or call +39 (0) 165 368914. You will receive one of our tour suggestions within 48 hours.

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